I, the parent or guardian of (minor child- listed below), acknowledge that by signing this document, I am releasing the United States Air Force, Mississippi Air National Guard, Gulfport Combat Readiness Training Center and any of their officers or agents, and employees from liability incurred as a result of player listed below voluntary participation in the Mississippi Association of Coaches and related activities. This release is a contract with legal consequences. I have been advised to read it
carefully before signing.
I, as the parent or guardian of (minor child- listed below), hereby covenant and agree to investigate all claims of every nature at my own expense, and to indemnify, protect, defend, hold, and save harmless the United States government, the state of Mississippi and its agencies and agents, and employees, from any and all claims, actions, lawsuits and demands of any kind or nature arising out of this agreement.
For and in consideration of the opportunity for the above minor child to participate in the stated voluntary
activity, I, the undersigned parent or legal guardian, my heirs, successors and assigns, do hereby release and forever
hold harmless the United States Air Force, Mississippi Air National Guard, Gulfport Combat Readiness Training
Center, its members, employees, agents, officers and assigns, from any and all liability whatsoever for any personal injury, death and/or personal property loss or damage that may result from said participation.
I agree, for myself, successors, assignees, and the minor participating, that the above representations are
contractually binding and are not mere recitals, and that should I or my successors assert any claim in contravention of this agreement, the asserting party shall be liable to the expenses (including legal fees) incurred by the other party or parties.
I agree, as the parent or legal guardian of the minor child named below, to appoint the Mississippi
Association of Coaches as my agent and representative for the purpose of authorizing and executing consent for any
emergency medical care while the minor is participating in the above activity.