2024-2025 Fast Pitch Softball Coaching Record & All-Star Player Nomination Which form do you want to complete?*Select all that apply Coaching Record Update All-Star Player Nomination Form COACH INFORMATIONName* First Last Email* School*Would you like to serve as an All-Star coach?*YesNoWhat game would you like to coach in?*Junior GameSophomore GameWe play:*NorthSouthCOACHING TENURETenure as HIGH SCHOOL HEAD COACH (FAST PITCH SOFTBALL ONLY): (Begin with most recent)School-City*Number of Years*Record*School-CityNumber of YearsRecordSchool-CityNumber of YearsRecordSchool-CityNumber of YearsRecordSchool-CityNumber of YearsRecordLifetime Record as Fast-Pitch HEAD COACH (Total)*Total Number of Years You Have Coached Fast-Pitch:RecordPlease enter NA for the fields if you didn't coach during that particular season.2024 SEASON:WinsLossesTiesHighest Finish*2023 SEASON:WinsLossesTiesHighest Finish*2022 SEASON:WinsLossesTiesHighest FinishLifetime Record:WinsLossesTiesFAST-PITCH SOFTBALL PLAYER NOMINATION INFORMATIONPlayers must be in good standing to be eligible. Player's Coach must be an active member of the M.A.C This player is a:*JuniorSophomorePlayer Name* First Last School*Player Email* Players Cell Phone*Main Position*Select OnePitcherCatcher1B2B3BSSLFRFCFDH2nd PositionSelect OnePitcherCatcher1B2B3BSSLFRFCFDHCommitted to a College?*Select OneYesNoWhich College?*We Play:*Select OneNorthSouthDistrict*Select One12345678Classification*Select One1A2A3A4A5A6A7AStats- For 2024 Season# of Varsity Games Played*# of Varsity Games Started*# of Innings Played*# of Varsity Innings Pitched*Statistics/Comments*Coaches InformationAttestation*In nominating this prospective all-star, I understand I assume the responsibilities, as coach, in seeing that my nominee, if selected, abides by all the rules and regulations ascribed to by the M.A.C. (i.e., reporting on time, supplying required personal and parental consent forms, etc.) If my player is selected for the All-Star Game, I pledge my support in providing any assistance to him/her that is necessary to meet game responsibilities, including my help in selling ads for the program.Coach Name* First Last Email* Cell PhoneSignature*